COVID-19 Wind-Down
What You Can Expect from Us
as We’re Returning to Normalcy


Our Programs & Events are (MOSTLY) Hybrid
both in-person and Virtual

We are partnering with ExeterTV to offer most of our upcoming programs virtually through Zoom, in addition to in-person at the Exeter Town Hall. (February 2023 is the exception; it will only be virtual.) Our programs with a Zoom registration link will be posted on our website soon. The programs will also be live-streamed on ExeterTV’s YouTube channel and on our Facebook page, as well as broadcast on Channel 98, in most cases. (It is dependent on ExeterTV staffing.) Also, most of the programs will be recorded and if you cannot watch the program at the designated time, you can still catch it on Facebook or YouTube. Not only does this solution allow us to continue to offer our programs and offer options for viewing, but it also broadens our audience geographically, since you can watch them anywhere. We will continue to offer programs with this hybrid approach at least through May 2023.

The Society’s Open Hours

You can now drop in or make an appointment to conduct reseearch or visit our exhibits.

Our open hours are back to normal:
Tuesday & Thursday: 2PM – 4:30PM
Saturday: 9:30AM – 12PM

As always, curator Barbara Rimkunas will be on site Monday through Thursday, and she welcomes questions and comments by phone (603.778.2335) or through email (

We look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon!

New — & Old — Content for your enjoyment

The Society is continuing to produce new content, such as our monthly Exeter History Minute episodes, Historically Speaking columns, and social media posts of all types.

You can find Barbara’s Historically Speaking columns — new and old — on our blog and in the Exeter News-Letter.

Our 120+ Exeter History Minutes can be found on our website and YouTube. To watch episodes of A Bit of History from Six Feet Away — filmed at the beginning of the pandemic — check out our Facebook page or YouTube.